[Aida-compute-users] AIDA input needed: Sensitive data capability at national flagship compute resource NAISS Arrhenius

Joel Hedlund joel.hedlund at liu.se
Tue Mar 12 13:03:12 CET 2024

Hi AIDA compute users!

Please take a moment to fill in this AIDA survey <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLBs4LgaJiIRI7_w9umdpxe5lan9zQyb-ad_G70dAeVaTd9w/viewform?usp=sf_link> by Mar 31.

The upcoming NAISS <https://www.naiss.se/> system Arrhenius <https://liu.se/en/news-item/europeisk-superdator-hamnar-pa-liu> will be the next national flagship academic compute resource, and will have the capability to process sensitive data. AIDA Data Hub has been invited to contribute to the Arrhenius sensitive data capability procurement group. In parallel, we are procuring the next generation of our own sensitive data services SDS 2.0 <https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1cPOW72qT7ptUAkN7nbuTF1ZXobUO8ZM2/edit#slide=id.p1>. We wish to ensure that these capabilities are synergistic and complementary, and will cater to identified user needs as well as possible. To do this right we need your input. Please answer our AIDA survey <https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfLBs4LgaJiIRI7_w9umdpxe5lan9zQyb-ad_G70dAeVaTd9w/viewform?usp=sf_link> by Mar 31.

Also, we have a devops engineer position open <https://datahub.aida.scilifelab.se/jobs/2024-03-19-devops-engineer/> (cf below). Please encourage excellent people to apply!*

*Joel Hedlund*, Data director CMIV <https://liu.se/cmiv>/AIDA <https://medtech4health.se/aida/>
AIDA Data Hub <https://datahub.aida.scilifelab.se/> Lead
Bigpicture <https://bigpicture.eu/> Infrastructure development lead
SciLifeLab <https://www.scilifelab.se/> Linköping <https://www.scilifelab.se/contact/scilifelab-linkoping/> Infrastructure group
SciLifeLab <https://www.scilifelab.se/> Bioinformatics Platform <https://nbis.se/> (NBIS) Management
SciLifeLab <https://www.scilifelab.se/> Data Driven Life Science <https://www.scilifelab.se/data-driven/> (DDLS) LiU <https://liu.se/> Data contact

*Open position: **_Service development and operations engineer at AIDA Data Hub <https://datahub.aida.scilifelab.se/jobs/2024-03-19-devops-engineer/>_*
AIDA Data Hub <https://datahub.aida.scilifelab.se/> is seeking devops engineers to work with national and international systems for medical imaging AI and other sensitive personal data for research. A crucial requirement for development of cutting edge AI solutions is to have access to massive amounts of well-organized training data, which in the case of AIDA <https://medtech4health.se/aida> refers to medical images and related clinical data. The AIDA Data Hub works to increase availability of such data, in collaboration with leading actors in Sweden and Europe. AIDA and the AIDA Data Hub are in rapid expansion, with strong synergies with developments in European initiatives such as Bigpicture. A heavy focus will be on developing and operating services, using cloud technologies that are in current widespread use, such as OpenStack, S3, Terraform, and Kubernetes, and on software development mostly in golang. More information and application instructions here 
<https://datahub.aida.scilifelab.se/jobs/2024-03-19-devops-engineer/>. _Application deadline_: *2024-03-19

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