[Humsamserien] :: Invitation to my Licentiate Thesis Defense ::

Björn Wallsten bjorn.wallsten at liu.se
Fre Sep 13 02:06:29 CEST 2013

Hello everybody!

With this e-mail I would just shortly like to invite you all to my licentiate thesis defense, which will take place on the 4th of October at 13.00 in room A30. The title of the thesis is "Underneath Norrköping: An Urban Mine of Hibernating Infrastructure" and the opponent is Vanesa Castan Broto from UCL, London. I'd be glad to send the text to anyone who is interested in advance.

Also, the plan is to eat some cake afterwards, if you want to join also on this (which I sincerely encourage you to do!), please answer this e-mail with a short reply.

All the best,

Ps. If you get this Eva Danielsson, maybe it should go up on the Grönt Kritiskt Forum-calendar. I don't know if that' according to the regular proceedings however. Ds.
Björn WALLSTEN, Ph.D. Candidate
Environmental Technology and Management
IEI - Dept of Management and Engineering
Linköping University
SE-581 83 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0) 1328 5625
Cell: +46 (0) 702 891883
Email: bjorn.wallsten at liu.se
Homepage: www.iei.liu.se/envtech/om-oss/bjorn-berglund?l=en
From: humsamserien-bounces+bjorn.i.berglund=liu.se at lists.liu.se [humsamserien-bounces+bjorn.i.berglund=liu.se at lists.liu.se] on behalf of Anna Küller [anna.kuller at liu.se]
Sent: Thursday, September 12, 2013 10:58 PM
To: humsamserien at lists.liu.se
Subject: [Humsamserien] Gavin Bridge

Den 11 december, har Grönt Kritiskt Forum bjudit in Gavin Bridge från Durham University, (forskar om bland annat gruvdrift och naturgas) till Tema Ts Högre seminarium (HS). I samband med att han är här undrar jag om det finns något intresse av att passa på att göra något mer än bara HS.
Bjuda in andra forskare inom samma forskningsfält, arrangera en workshop, symposium, öppen föreläsning, mm. Ja, möjligheterna är så gott som oändliga. Fundera och återkom på mailen, eller seminariet!


Anna Küller
Doktorand / PhD Candidate
Tema Teknik och social förändring /
The Department of Thematic Studies - Technology and Social Change
Linköping universitet / Linköping University
Tel: +46 (0)13 285837, +46(0)703 137343

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