[LiU design] Provföreläsning Professor i Industriell Design 17/12

Stefan Holmlid stefan.holmlid at liu.se
Fre Dec 5 14:39:14 CET 2014


Det kommer att bli provföreläsningar för professuren i Industriell design den 17/12.
Alla är välkomna att lyssna! Agendan följer nedan.

Med vänlig hälsning


Onsdagen den 17 december

Ämne: "Why is design increasing the probability of a product becoming technically and commercially successful?"

Målgrupp: The lecture will be given within a planned PhD course "Design driven development of products, services and systems" aimed for PhD students within the department of management and engineering. The PhD students have different background in for example product development, marketing, informatics, production.

Lokal: Lärosal A32, Hus A, http://www.liu.se/polopoly/basfakta/kartor/kartorli/A3.png

Provföreläsning (20 minuter) kl 08:30 - 08:50: Andre Liem

Provföreläsning (20 minuter) kl 09:45 - 10:05: Anders Warell

Trial lecture (20 minutes) at 11:00 - 11:20: Renee Wever

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