[LiU design] LiU design: seminars this spring

Stefan Holmlid stefan.holmlid at liu.se
Fre Feb 12 13:17:24 CET 2016

Dear all,

here is the list of seminars that currently are planned for this spring. You are welcome to participate in any of the seminars.
Please keep in touch with the organizer, in order to know what preparations that are needed for the specific seminars you would like to participate in. Some will require preparations, some will not.

17/2,      Analysis of results from Förändra Radikalt (IxS, Johan Blomkvist)
3/3,        Hanna Hallgren lektor i Genusvetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet "Skrivandet som metod. En studie i poesi, skrivprocess och det reflexiva akademiska skrivandets möjligheter" (KU, Frida Berntsson)
9/3,        Design Capabilities (IxS, Johan Blomkvist)
30/3,      Visiting PhD Eunji Lee from UiO/Sintef (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
30/3,      Daniel Nilsson KU-redovisning (KU, Frida Berntsson)
7/4,        Ulrik Hjort Lassen är världens förste doktor i hantverk. Han har inte bara skrivit en avhandling, han har också byggt ett lusthus med hjälp av månghundraårig stolpverksteknik. - Det speciella med min forskning är att jag inte bara beskriver hantverket, jag utför det också, förklarar han. (KU, Frida Berntsson)
13/4,      Thesis Anatomies seminar* (Norrköping, Jonas Löwgren)
20/4,      Transhumanism curricula (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
28/4,      TBD (KU, Frida Berntsson)
11/5,      Resilience and Design (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
1/6,        Visiting PhD from AHO (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
6/6,        Design facilitation, Salu Ylirisku (IxS, Mattias Arvola)

All seminars will be put in the kalendarium.
For PhD students that are registered in the seminar course, more information will be sent directly to you

* A Thesis Anatomies seminar is a seminar where an interesting and already published PhD thesis is analyzed and discussed, with a focus on the knowledge contribution and how this contribution is supported by different means. There will be three such seminars in 2016, and is a great space to discuss what and how design research is done.

all the best
/Stefan Holmlid
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