[LiU design] Extended deadline, CfP Transhumanist Education, Politics, and Design

Mattias Arvola mattias.arvola at liu.se
Tis Apr 5 13:57:09 CEST 2016

Dear all,

Please consider to contribute with an essay! And let other’s you think may be interested know about it.

Best regards

Mattias Arvola
Associate Professor in Cognitive Science
Department of Computer and Information Science
Linköping University
Phone +46 13 28 57 03

Extended deadline May 15, 2016

Call for Papers
”Transhumanist Education, Politics, and Design
Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics

For this special issue of Confero, we welcome contributions from scholars with various disciplinary backgrounds to debate transhumanistic issues in relation to education, politics, and design.

Topics suitable for this special issue could include, but are not limited to, the following:

- Transhumanism, corporeality and (un)learning
- Transhumanism and disease(s)
- Transhumanism and monstrosity
- Transhumanism and citizenship
- Transhumanism and surveillance
- Transhumanism and cognitive science
- Transhumanism and values (social, economical, ethical, juridical, environmental, moral,
instrumental, utilitarian, hedonic etc.)
- Transhumanism and intersectionality (e.g. race, sexuality, gender, ethnicity, able-bodied, crip)
- Human enhancement, prosthesis and extension
- Morphological freedom
- Educating the transhuman
- Queering transhumanism
- Transhumanism and speed
- Transhumanist design
- Definitions, practices and consequences of transhumanism (e.g. bio-hacking and DIY
- A battle for/of the anthropocene? Posthumanism vs. transhumanism
- Transhumanism as subversive power

Guest editors for this special issue are Mattias Arvola (Linköping University), Lina Rahm
(Linköping University), and Jörgen Skågeby (Stockholm university).

The editorial group can be reached at confero at liu.se. A first full draft of the essay should be sent to
confero at liu.se on before May 15, 2016. The subject line of the submission should read
“Submission for SI on transhumanism”.

For further information and instructions, please visit our homepage: http://www.confero.ep.liu.se

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