[LiU design] Project presentations: Design for Service

Stefan Holmlid stefan.holmlid at liu.se
Tors May 16 08:49:12 CEST 2019

Dear all,

On Monday the 20th, from 1315 to 17 in A35 (A-building, Campus Valla) there will be a set of presentations from this year’s course on Design for Service.
The projects are done by students in mixed teams between MSc Design, Cognitive Science, and Design and Product Development. The project challenges are given by public sector organisations. You are cordially invited to join us!

1300 Get ready in A35

1315 Samordnad individuell plan, group 2, LeanLink
1330 Ekhult, etablering av ett stödbeonde, group 1, LeanLink
1345 Sandrinoparken, bryta ensamhet, group 4, Linköpings kommun
1400 Vägen mot egen försörjning, group 3, Linköpings kommun

1415 PAUS

1440 Samma koll, group 10, Samordningsförbundet centrala Östergötland
1455 Samverkansbron, group 5, Samordningsförbundet centrala Östergötland
1510 Allaktivitetshus, group 9, Samordningsförbundet centrala Östergötland

1525 PAUS

1550 Förutsättningar för hållbar konsuntion, group 8, Linköpings kommun
1605 Linden, kontinuitet I vården, group 6, Region Sörmland
1620 Minska vårdrelaterade skador, group 7, Socialstyrelsen

1635 Round off

Best regards and welcome!
Stefan Holmlid, Vanessa Rodrigues, Ana Kustrak Korper

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