[LiU design] Invitation to Design seminar about DialogLab in Region Sörmland

Johan Blomkvist johan.blomkvist at liu.se
Ons Mars 4 14:50:35 CET 2020

New attempt!

On Tue 24 of March at 13:15-15:30 in the B-house design studio<https://www.ida.liu.se/department/location/search.en.shtml?keyword=Designstudio> Lisa Malmberg and Linda Lännerström from Region Sörmland will give a seminar about their work in DialogLab (more info below).

Participation is free of charge.
If you want to attend, please sign up here<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7Bg_kSZ_X0yoFnhP6aWO3X0V0ycP9QxIo2Hu1ZPa0p5UOUI4S0xCSVdZUVFCVzBRSTE3Mjc1UkxINC4u> before Tue 17 March at 17:00.
DialogLab works together with patients, medical staff and other relevant actors to develop solutions that strengthens the patients' participation, integrity, and autonomy in the healthcare. Linda and Lisa from DialogLab at the primary healthcare center Gallerian in Eskilstuna will share their experiences of building an organization for design driven business development embedded alongside the core practice of a primary healthcare center. They will also share general reflections on working with a design driven mindset to development in a large public sector organization.

  *   Linda Lännerström is a district nurse by profession and has a PhD in medical science. Her thesis focused on telephone nursing. For the past 10 years Linda has mainly worked with business development in the primary care in Region Sörmland and she was involved in one of the first service design driven projects within healthcare in Sweden.
  *   Lisa Malmberg is a service designer with a PhD in Design. Her thesis focused on design capability and the organizational learning around design within healtcare and social services in Sweden. For the past three years she has been working in Region Sörmland with different projects related to developing design capability.

From: Johan Blomkvist
Sent: den 7 februari 2020 08:42
To: liudesign at lists.liu.se
Subject: Invitation to Design seminar about DialogLab in Region Sörmland


On Wed 26 of February at 13:15-15:30 in the B-house design studio<https://www.ida.liu.se/department/location/search.en.shtml?keyword=Designstudio> Lisa Malmberg and Linda Lännerström from Region Sörmland will give a seminar about their work in DialogLab (more info below).

Participation is free of charge.
If you want to attend, please sign up here<https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=7Bg_kSZ_X0yoFnhP6aWO3X0V0ycP9QxIo2Hu1ZPa0p5UNFI5MkVQWktUTzc3UEEyOTZQV0ZFTjU4Ry4u>.
DialogLab works together with patients, medical staff and other relevant actors to develop solutions that strengthens the patients' participation, integrity, and autonomy in the healthcare. Linda and Lisa from DialogLab at the primary healthcare center Gallerian in Eskilstuna will share their experiences of building an organization for design driven business development embedded alongside the core practice of a primary healthcare center. They will also share general reflections on working with a design driven mindset to development in a large public sector organization.

  *   Linda Lännerström is a district nurse by profession and has a PhD in medical science. Her thesis focused on telephone nursing. For the past 10 years Linda has mainly worked with business development in the primary care in Region Sörmland and she was involved in one of the first service design driven projects within healthcare in Sweden.
  *   Lisa Malmberg is a service designer with a PhD in Design. Her thesis focused on design capability and the organizational learning around design within healtcare and social services in Sweden. For the past three years she has been working in Region Sörmland with different projects related to developing design capability.
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