[LiU design] LiU Design Community reloaded (fairly long; please read!)

LiU Design Community Admin liudesigncommunity_admin at liu.se
Fre Dec 18 08:36:03 CET 2020

Dear LiU Design colleagues,

Our network includes people teaching, working with and studying design all across LiU. It is potentially a very powerful and useful structure. However, it has been somewhat dormant for a while now. When we met for the 2020 LiU Design Talks in September, we felt that it was time to pull together and add some new energy.

We suggest to focus on the LiU Design Seminar as a backbone for a more active community effort. The seminar provides opportunities to share information, meet new colleagues, start conversations and even initiate collaborations. Thanks to the pandemic, we are now at a point where online seminars are becoming commonplace and effective. We believe that we can actually benefit from the current situation by making LiU Design online seminars a bridge between the different LiU campuses and departments.

In order to make this happen, we invite those of you with active liu.se accounts to a new LiU-internal website that we call the LiU Design Community platform. It has three main features.

  *   There is a LiU Design Seminar calendar, where you find all the upcoming seminar events with full information, preparation material, etc.
  *   There is a list of LiU Design Community members who are actively looking for more engagement in the community and more contact with other community members.
  *   And there is a collection of free-to-use images that will hopefully grow to represent all aspects of design at LiU.

The platform is there for the whole community. If you want to arrange a LiU Design seminar, or if you want to announce another seminar to the LiU Design community, then simply add it to the calendar and send an invitation. If you want to extend your network within LiU, then create a personal presentation on the platform.

How it works

The LiU Design Community platform is found at https://liuonline.sharepoint.com/sites/Team_LiUDesignCommunity and it is open to LiU employees as well as students. You need to be a member to access the platform. Everyone who is receiving this email, and is an active LiU employee or student, is also already made a member of the platform.

If you want to invite someone else, or if you have other questions about the platform, please get in touch with liudesigncommunity_admin at liu.se<mailto:liudesigncommunity_admin at liu.se>

The platform replaces the old mailing list. From now on, use team_liudesigncommunity at liuonline.onmicrosoft.com<mailto:team_liudesigncommunity at liuonline.onmicrosoft.com> to send seminar invitations and other emails to all the members of the platform.

If you also want to reach the alumni and external contacts who used to be on the old mailing list, then you can use the new liudesign_extended at groups.liu.se<mailto:liudesign_extended at groups.liu.se> email address.

The platform is what we make of it. We all provide the content. Feel free to use it to help reloading the LiU Design Community!

All the best,

Ahmet Börütecene, Alessandra Di Pisa, Jonas Löwgren, Mina Mani Kashani
LiU Design Community members

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