[IDA ML Seminar] IDA Machine Learning Seminar: Cagatay Yildiz, April 27

Fredrik Lindsten fredrik.lindsten at liu.se
Mon Apr 11 10:19:34 CEST 2022

Dear all,

We are resuming the IDA Machine Learning Seminar series with on-site talks. The next seminar is on April 27, 15:15-16:15.

Çağatay Yıldız, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University.

Recent advances in black-box models for continuous-time dynamical systems
Abstract: Since the neural ordinary differential equations (ODE) breakthrough, continuous-time dynamical systems have gained enormous popularity. In this talk, we will present a summary of recent advances in black-box continuous-time systems. We will start with the a gentle introduction to ODEs, followed by Gaussian process based, uncertainty-aware ODE systems. Afterwards, we will discuss how to learn stochastic systems using a similar framework. We then explain ODE2VAE, a deep generative second-order ODE model for learning video sequences. Finally, a novel continuous-time model-based reinforcement learning approach will be presented. The presentation will be based on the dissertation here.

Location: Alan Turing, House E, https://www.ida.liu.se/department/location/search.en.shtml?keyword=alan

The list of future seminars in the series is available at: http://www.ida.liu.se/research/machinelearning/seminars/.
You can subscribe to the seminar series' calendar using this ics link: https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/4d811ae47ce446f58d11a7c2f50a7ed8@ad.liu.se/0f5253d7bc7841248c71eb4c28eb2d668927992292494627279/calendar.ics

IDA Machine Learning Group
Linköping University

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