REMESO Graduate School offers course in connection to International Symposium: Austere Histories in November

REMESO Newsletter remeso-nbrev-eng at
Wed Sep 25 15:27:58 CEST 2013

REMESO Graduate School in Migration, Ethnicity and Society
Linköping University
New Course for PhD students, Autumn 2013:

Austere Histories:
Changing Narratives of Europe's Colonial Past and Multicultural Present
11 November-13 December, Intensive Week 26-29 November
Course Directors: Peo Hansen and Stefan Jonsson
The course provides a unique opportunity to explore the new Politics of Austerity together with some of Europe's best scholars and researchers on the topic. Many European societies have recently turned toward more austere political regimes guided by authoritarian values. What do these changes entail for labour markets, politics and social life? In which ways do they change imaginaries of the present and the past? The course explores how austerity imposes new regimes of migration and citizenship and new forms of exclusion along race, class and gender lines. It also investigates how austerity entails a return to more nationalist and ethnically assertive interpretations of history and the cultural heritage.
The course is organized in conjunction with an international symposium on the topic, organized by REMESO. Students taking the course will first be given two days of lectures and seminars, after which they will participate in the sessions and discussions at the two-day symposium.
Speakers and lecturers:
Nicolas Bancel, Université de Lausanne; Gurminder K Bhambra, Univertsity of Warwick; Manuela Boatca, Freie Universität; Nacira Guénif-Souilamas, Université de Paris X - Saint Denis; Lars Jensen, Roskilde University; Nicola Labanca, University of Siena; Esther Captain, National Committee for the Remembrance of WWII, Amsterdam; Robbie Shilliam, Queen Mary University of London; Charles Woolfson, REMESO, Linköping University; Branka Likic-Brboric, REMESO, Linköping University; Peo Hansen, REMESO, Linköping University; Stefan Jonsson, REMESO, Linköping University.

See flyer for more info, or go to
Or contact Graduate School Coordinator Branka Likic-Brboric: branka.likic-brboric at

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