Queer Migrations and Mobilities Workshop 11-12 September 2014

REMESO Newsletter remeso-nbrev-eng at lists.liu.se
Fri May 16 16:44:17 CEST 2014

Queer Migrations and Mobilities:
Sexuality, Gender, Citizenship, and Intimacy from a European Perspective

Workshop on queer migration

Date: September 11-12, 2014

Location: Department of Sociology, Lund University, Lund, Sweden

Eda Farsakoglu, Department of Sociology, Lund University
Sara Ahlstedt, REMESO (Institute for Research on Migration, Ethnicity and Society), Linköping University

Confirmed key participants
Dr. Jon Binnie, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Prof. Dr. Kira Kosnick, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Dr. Tracy Simmons, University of Leicester, UK
Dr. Francesca Stella, University of Glasgow, UK

Migrants seeking asylum on grounds of sexuality and gender identity persecution, individuals in transnational queer relationships who seek residency on the basis of family ties, undocumented queer migrants, as well as queer and sexually marginalized individuals and organizations in ethnic and diasporic communities are some examples of individuals and groups who create and sustain queer migrations and mobilities in contemporary Europe. The workshop aims to bring together scholars in the field of queer migration and mobilities to focus on wide-ranging debates around these migrations and mobilities as they pertain to a European context. It seeks to explore the ways in which these matters have been experienced, organized, and shaped by national institutions as well as a range of other actors, policy makers, and organized interests, including activists, social workers and last but not least migrants themselves. With Europe as its empirical context, the workshop aims to explore the multiple conjunctions between migration, gender, and sexuality by using a queer and intersectional analytical framework critiquing dominant heteronormative assumptions in migration scholarship.

The workshop will bring together 14-18 scholars (including key participants) researching international queer migration (however defined) from a European perspective. We hope papers will cover a broad range of topics related to queer migration, including but not limited to queer refugees and asylum seekers, queer partner migration, undocumented queer migrants, queer citizenship as it pertains to migration, and queer individuals and organizations in ethnic and diasporic communities.

The hope is that the workshop will also be the starting point for a European research network on queer migration. Should a number of workshop participants want to continue working together in a more formalized network,  We are planning to apply for funding from e.g. the European Science Foundation and COST for such a network after the workshop. Initially, however, we are planning for a more loose-structured, information sharing network. If you do not plan on submitting an abstract or participating in the workshop but would like to be part of the network, please let us know and we will add you.

The workshop will be able to cover some or all of participants’ travel and accommodation expenses, depending on funding received. Accepted participants will receive more information.

Abstracts of 250- 300 words, together with contact details and affiliation, should be sent to eda.farsakoglu at soc.lu.se<mailto:eda.farsakoglu at soc.lu.se>  and sara.ahlstedt at liu.se<mailto:sara.ahlstedt at liu.se>  by June 1, 2014.

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