[IDA ML Seminar] Machine Learning Seminar, 13/9 at 15:15: Søren Hauberg, DTU, "Reparametrization invariance in representation learning"
Fredrik Lindsten
fredrik.lindsten at liu.se
Wed Sep 6 08:22:14 CEST 2023
Welcome to an IDA Machine Learning Seminar and ELLIIT Distinguished Lecture on Wednesday, September 13 at 15:15 in Ada Lovelace
Reparametrization invariance in representation learning
Søren Hauberg<http://www2.compute.dtu.dk/~sohau/>, Professor, Section for Cognitive Systems, Technical University of Denmark
Abstract: Generative models learn a compressed representation of data that is often used for downstream tasks such as interpretation, visualization and prediction via transfer learning. Unfortunately, the learned representations are generally not statistically identifiable, leading to a high risk of arbitrariness in the downstream tasks. We propose to use differential geometry to construct representations that are invariant to reparametrizations. We demonstrate that the approach is deeply tied to the uncertainty of the representation, and that practical applications require high-quality uncertainty quantification. With the reparametrization problem solved, we show how the geometric representations reveals signals in biological data that were otherwise hidden, and how the representations support applications in robotics.
Location: Ada Lovelace, https://www.ida.liu.se/department/location/search.en.shtml?keyword=ada
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