[IDA ML Seminar] Machine Learning Seminar, 20/3 at 15:15: Markus Heinonen, "Can neural ODEs forecast global weather?"
Fredrik Lindsten
fredrik.lindsten at liu.se
Wed Mar 13 19:02:03 CET 2024
Welcome to an IDA Machine Learning Seminar on Wednesday, March 20 at 15:15 in Ada Lovelace
Can neural ODEs forecast global weather?
Markus Heinonen<https://users.aalto.fi/~heinom10/>, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University
Abstract: Neural ODEs have surfaced in the last decade as a new perspective on modelling dynamics by learning the time-derivative that drives the system evolution forward as a neural network. While successful on systems of limited complexity, large-scale demonstrations have been lacking. Recently large autoregressive transformer models have been developed with breakthrough global weather forecasting performances, but at times with little consideration of the underlying dynamics. We consider global weather as a continuous-time PDE with mass-preserving dynamics, and show how simple convolution networks can achieve state-of-the-art weather prediction performance with just a few million parameters. This talk is based on the paper ClimODE: Climate Forecasting With Physics-informed Neural ODEs<https://openreview.net/forum?id=xuY33XhEGR> accepted for ICLR24 oral presentation.
Bio: Markus Heinonen is an Academy Research Fellow at Aalto University, Finland with a PhD from University of Helsinki in 2013. His research interests are centered on probabilistic machine learning with emphasis on understanding uncertainty of deep learning with Bayesian perspectives to neural networks. In addition he has worked on learning ODEs
Location: Ada Lovelace, https://www.ida.liu.se/department/location/search.en.shtml?keyword=ada
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