[LiU design] CHANGES, Design research seminar

Stefan Holmlid stefan.holmlid at liu.se
Tis May 3 17:43:41 CEST 2016

Dear all,

some slight changes and additions/heads-up.
18/5,      Variation theory of learning (IxS, Stefan Holmlid) (NEW DATE and theme changed)
1/6,        Resilience and Design (IxS, Stefan Holmlid) (theme MOVED to new date)
6/6,        CANCELLED: Design facilitation, Salu Ylirisku (IxS, Mattias Arvola) (cancelled)

In mid-june we will probably see some guest lectures from IDA and IEI, as there are international visitors coming in. If plans are working out there will also be a lic-presentation in mid-june. We’ll keep you posted.


On 03 Mar 2016, at 14:25, Stefan Holmlid <stefan.holmlid at liu.se<mailto:stefan.holmlid at liu.se>> wrote:

Dear all,

attached you find a form that you will need to use to collect your participation in seminars for the course.
The basic idea is that you register for the course every semester, and you may distribute your participation in seminars over several semesters, until you accumulated enough credits (6 credits) to finalize the course.
Each seminar will have its own requirements, with readings, preparations, etc, but it is our recommendation that you always make a summary of the seminar afterwards, and in this summary reflect over your own work in relationship to the seminar.

Seminars that are published as LiU design seminars are the natural starting point to look for seminars, but there may be other seminars that you and your main advisor agree on can be part of this Design Research Seminar (and that agreement is important). If so, I would be very grateful if you could highlight such seminar possibilities ahead of time, so they can be communicated to other PhD students.

The seminars that are listed as LiU design seminars this spring are (exact times will be published in a few days):
17/2,      Analysis of results from Förändra Radikalt (IxS, Johan Blomkvist)
3/3,        Hanna Hallgren lektor i Genusvetenskap vid Linnéuniversitetet ”Skrivandet som metod. En studie i poesi, skrivprocess och det reflexiva akademiska skrivandets möjligheter” (KU, Frida Berntsson)
9/3,        Design Capabilities (IxS, Johan Blomkvist)
30/3,      Visiting PhD Eunji Lee from UiO/Sintef (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
30/3,      Daniel Nilsson KU-redovisning (KU, Frida Berntsson)
7/4,        Ulrik Hjort Lassen är världens förste doktor i hantverk. Han har inte bara skrivit en avhandling, han har också byggt ett lusthus med hjälp av månghundraårig stolpverksteknik. – Det speciella med min forskning är att jag inte bara beskriver hantverket, jag utför det också, förklarar han. (KU, Frida Berntsson)
13/4,      Thesis Anatomies seminar* (Norrköping, Jonas Löwgren)
20/4,      Transhumanism curricula (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
28/4,      TBD (KU, Frida Berntsson)
11/5,      Resilience and Design (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
1/6,        Visiting PhD from AHO (IxS, Stefan Holmlid)
6/6,        Design facilitation, Salu Ylirisku (IxS, Mattias Arvola)

Best regards
/Stefan Holmlid, PhD
Professor in Design, especially services


Department of Computer and Information Science
s-581 83 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0)13-28 56 33
Mobile: +46 (0)733 89 96 72
Visiting address: E-building, Linköping University
Please visit us at www.liu.se<http://www.liu.se/>

<LiU design seminar form.docx>

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