[LiU design] Fwd: [Nordes] RSD6 Call for Abstracts

Stefan Holmlid stefan.holmlid at liu.se
Ons Feb 15 23:06:13 CET 2017

Apologiens for cross posting.

Relating Systems Thinking and Design 6
Oslo School of Architecture and Design (AHO)     Oslo, Norway    October 18-20, 2017

Following two years in Canada, join us this year in Oslo as RSD returns to its home location for the RSD6 Symposium.  The call for participation <http://systemic-design.net/rsd6/rsd6-abstracts/> for the symposium is now open and we look forward to contributions (research, practice cases, design artifacts, new business models) that enable our research and practice communities to learn and collaborate toward purposeful outcomes.
Environment, Economy, Democracy: Flourishing Together
Our theme this year encompasses the contexts for flourishing in democratic societies, and exploring the opportunities for systemic design in:

  *   Democratic participation and policy innovation
  *   Strongly sustainable business innovation
  *   Flourishing communities
  *   Design of architectures, settlements and built environments
We invite contributions to systemic design for:

  *   Social impact in flourishing and change programs
  *   Health and population wellness
  *   Ecological design and bioregion development
  *   Human-scaled and regional economies
  *   Sociotechnical and technological systems
  *   Other themes in Systemic Design
Call for Abstracts<http://systemic-design.net/rsd6/rsd6-abstracts/>   Deadline April 15th, unrestricted format, extended abstract between 500 to 1000 words.


Visit the Nordes 2017 website: http://www.nordes.org/nordes2017
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