[Liuhum] LiU-Humanities newsletter October 2021

Olga Zabalueva olga.zabalueva at liu.se
Fri Oct 22 12:01:45 CEST 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are happy to suggest you a working calendar for the coming open seminars and events at the Faculty of Arts and Sciences (FILFAK), Linköping university until December (see attached pdfs).
We are aiming to update this calendar regularly (ideally, in the form of interactive schedule in the future) and kindly remind you to send out any relevant invitations and events to the mailing list liuhum at lists.liu.se<mailto:liuhum at lists.liu.se>

Some useful links to find venues, Zooms and more information:
Faculty's seminar series<https://www.filfak.liu.se/forskarutbildning/seminarieserier?l=en&sc=true>
Strimman open lectures<https://liu.se/artikel/strimman> (in Swedish)
Inaugural lectures-2021<https://liu.se/en/article/installationsforelasningar-vid-institutionen-for-kultur-och-samhalle>
Public dissertation defenses<https://liu.se/en/research/disputations>

Coming events for week 43:
Popular Science Week at LiU<https://liu.se/sv-se?sc_itemid=%7bBE730E61-4B95-4F98-AC96-53DCF8556AE2%7d&sc_lang=sv-SE>, 26-29 October

REMESO seminar

Ukraine’s Maidan Revolution and the Political Aesthetics of Revolution and Nationalism

Stefan Jonsson, professor, REMESO, LiU

Wedensday 27/10 Open seminar, room KO22, at 13:00-15:00

Presentation of a research project and a book in progress entitled Monstrous Events that analyse what art can tell us about the emergence civil protest, migration, populism, and revolution. The specific case addressed here concerns the so-called Revolution of Dignity in Ukraine 2013–2014 and its vacillation between universality and nationalism.

For manuscript contact   erik.berggren at liu.se<mailto:erik.berggren at liu.se>

Film screening
For all interested, an informal screening of Sergei Loznitsa’s major film on the revolution, Maidan (2014) film will be organized on Monday 25 October, at 18:15 in K4.

Monday, October 25, 18:15–21:00, K4 (Kåkenhus)
Film screening in relation to Stefan Jonsson’s REMESO Seminar

Sergei Loznitsa’s Maidan (2014), run time 130 min
Introduction by Stefan Jonsson

One of the major efforts to capture the twentyfirst-century revolution in documentary cinema.

Official synopsis:
Maidan chronicles the civil uprising against the regime of president Yanukovych that took place in Kiev (Ukraine) in the winter of 2013/14. The film follows the progress of the revolution: from peaceful rallies, half a million strong, in the Maidan square, to the bloody street battles between protestors and riot police. Maidan is a portrait of an awakening nation, rediscovering its identity.

More information: https://loznitsa.com/movie/maidan<https://eur01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Floznitsa.com%2Fmovie%2Fmaidan&data=04%7C01%7Colga.zabalueva%40liu.se%7C158205a822ec4390de4b08d992fd5d5f%7C913f18ec7f264c5fa816784fe9a58edd%7C0%7C0%7C637702439260997070%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C1000&sdata=HiLyez2fbmndPaLIj7URj3DUMkOJVgTyd1cW4XjR83Q%3D&reserved=0>

Tisdag 26 oktober 2021 kl 18.00 - 19.15
Frida Berntsson, universitetslektor i formgivning
Erik Sigurdson, gästlektor i slöjd
Material och verktyg har alltid spelat stor roll för vårt sociala liv. Material och verktyg har begränsat människor, inte minst genom arbetsdelning men har också kunnat vara vägen ut för den som vill förändra och förbättra sina levnadsvillkor. De styr oss mot specifika sysslor, samtidigt som de ger förutsättningar att förbättra våra livsvillkor. Material
och verktyg kan både låsa fast oss och befria oss.
Forskningsprojektet Ordinary embroidery visar hur användandet av textila förlagor bidrar till att likadana textilier framställs och hur upprepningen skapar vissa sociala mönster och identiteter. Projektet belyser också den konstruktiva hantverksgemenskap som pågått i århundraden, med särskilt fokus på broderi.
Hantverk har också använts för att bryta upp gemenskaper. Uppdelningen av trä- och syslöjd är ett exempel, där elever av tradition delats in efter kön. Här har materialen använts för att begränsa elevers utveckling av hantverkskunskap och framtidsmöjligheter. Vad innebär materialens och verktygens tudelade funktion för hantverkets, formgivningens och slöjdens nya roll i akademi och samhälle? Vilken position bör hantverket ha i en föränderlig värld?
Lifeworld and Science

Harald Wiltsche, professor of philosophy

As the world reels around the COVID-19 crisis and the challenges posed by climate change, there is an alarming realization that a significant fraction of the general public openly distrusts science and its findings.

The situation is paradoxical: Although it is rather clear that science and technology are humanity’s best bet to master the existential threats we are currently facing, public belief in the authority of science is waning. Instead of discussing the complex socio-economical mechanisms that are behind this worrying development, Harald Wiltsche will advance the thesis that the critical state of scientific culture is in part self-imposed and has to do with the still unresolved tensions between lifeworld and science.

Time: October 27, 15.30-17.00

Place: Room TEMCAS, Tema building, Campus Valla, Linköping.

Registration: Do you want to participate on campus? Please register via email to Monica Wise<mailto:monica.wise at liu.se>, October 20 at the latest.

Zoomlink: Contact Monica Wise<mailto:monica.wise at liu.se> for link to Zoom.

The lecture will be held in English.
Warm welcome!

Best regards
Olga Zabalueva
PhD student
[Linköping University]
Department of Culture and Society (IKOS), Tema Q
IKOS PhD Council
581 83 Linköping
Phone: +46 (0)11-36 30 28
Mobile: +46 (0)73 661 77 75
Visiting address: Campus Norrköping, Kopparhammaren 7, Ingång 56C, Rum 541
Please visit us at www.liu.se<http://www.liu.se>
Emailing Linköping University will result in Linköping University processing your personal data.Find more information on how this is done at https://liu.se/en/article/integritetspolicy-liu

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