[Mimernet.ibl] VB: Nordic Research Seminar on Popular Adult Education, 8.-9.12. 2011, Helsinki

Ann-Marie Laginder ann-marie.laginder at liu.se
Tors Sep 22 17:09:37 CEST 2011

Till Mimers nätverk - vidarebefordrad inbjudan:

Nordic Research Seminar on Popular Adult Education, 8.-9.12. 2011, Helsinki

Dear colleagues,
I have the honour to invite you to participate in the Nordic research 
seminar on the popular adult education. The seminar takes place 8. - 
9.12.2011 in Helsinki.

The title of the seminar is Freedom and Responsibility in Popular Adult 
Education. Our purpose is to view and discuss present research on 
popular adult education in the Nordic countries, to locate current needs 
for research, and to suggest new initiatives. The more detailed 
information on the seminar is found on the VSY web site: 

You are welcome to present and to discuss your research, or to 
contribute to discussing further needs of research and cooperation on 
the field.
Feel free to circulate the invitation in your networks!

The organizer of the seminar is Finnish Adult Education Association (VSY))
in cooperation with the NVL thematic research network, the Finnish 
national research project on Liberal Adult Education and Helsinki City 
Adult Education Center.

Looking forward to seeing you in Helsinki!

Leena Saloheimo

Leena Saloheimo
Secretary General
Vapaan sivistystyön yhteisjärjestö / Finnish Adult Education Association (VSY)
Annankatu 12 A 15, 00120 Helsinki, Finland
+358 9 612 03713, +358 50 546 6038
leena.saloheimo (ät) vsy.fi

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