[Aida-compute-users] AIDA DGX-2 Service stop tomorrow Tuesday 2020-09-01 17:00

Joel Hedlund joel.hedlund at liu.se
Mon Aug 31 09:23:41 CEST 2020


All running DGX-2 VMs will be suspended tomorrow Tuesday 2020-09-01 at 17:00.

This will allow for an orderly shutdown of all systems, in preparation for an early morning test of the emergency power scheduled for the day after, where Linköping University Hopsital will power down all facilities including elevators and supercomputers. We will bring your VMs up as soon as possible after the test.

The expectation is that your VMs will continue to work after suspend/resume, however we advise you to back up any precious data ahead of time (to /proj or elsewhere).

We acknowledge that this late notice is far from ideal, and are possibly as surprised as you are.

/Joel Hedlund
AIDA DGX-2 Service owner

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