[LiU design] Invitation to LiU Design PhD network

Danwei Tran Luciani danwei.tran.luciani at liu.se
Tis Okt 24 09:33:59 CEST 2017

Hi Everyone!

At the LiU Design Talks held on 28th September 2017, one of the areas of development identified for the LiU Design Network was to strengthen interaction, facilitate exchange, and support collaboration amongst PhD students within the network.

We would like to get the ball rolling on this wonderful idea and invite PhD students within the LiU Design network to be part of this initiative for PhD students by PhD students. If you brilliant Design PhD students feel you've been missing out on interacting with your peers this is your chance to pitch in with how we as a group could take this forward. Leave your details here<http://tinyurl.com/y7j4h3xt> and we'll get in touch with you soon. If you have any questions you can reach us via email<mailto:danwei.tran.luciani at liu.se>.

We look forward to your participation. Let's get this started!

Best regards,
Danwei, Tim and Vanessa
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