[LiU design] How to enable faster exchange in the list?

Ahmet Börütecene ahmet.borutecene at liu.se
Mon Okt 28 16:32:36 CET 2019


I would like to share a recent experience I had in the list.

Last week I sent an email to announce the MIT seminar I was organising in Norrköping. A colleague of mine from Finland had prepared a talk scheduled for Thursday, Oct 24, on designing wearables for playful experiences. I thought the list should know about the event so I sent the email on Wednesday morning, soon after my list membership was approved.

Unfortunately, it seems that the announcement I sent was delivered only today to the members. This morning I received a few emails that expressed interest in participating in an event that already took place. I am sorry if this late delivery created a confusion. I am not sure exactly what caused this but my concern is that the delay might be related to the moderation settings of the list.

If so, I wonder if this is an occasion to reconsider whether the moderation of messages is helpful or not. It might be a good idea to think about alternatives to see whether we can have a more accessible and faster knowledge exchange in the list.

In the end, the talk went well and the audience asked stimulating questions. It is a pity though that there were still available seats and we could have had even more fruitful discussions with the participation of interested colleagues from the LiU design community.

All the best,

Interaction Designer | Design Researcher
Postdoc researcher @ Media and Information Technology Division
Linköping University, Campus Norrköping
Kopparhammaren 2, Rum 2009
Website: ahmet.borutecene.com<http://ahmet.borutecene.com/>
E-mail: ahmetborutecene at liu.se<mailto:aborutecene at ku.edu.tr>
Skype: ahmet.borutecene
Phone: +46700377616
LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/in/ahmet-b%C3%B6r%C3%BCtecene-868a2736/> | Google Scholar<https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?user=OJTwZEAAAAAJ&hl=en> | Instagram<http://www.instagram.com/pandisvezia> | Behance<https://www.behance.net/ahmetborutecene>

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